Create your Bloomberg Account
The first step in using the Bloomberg Terminals in the College of Business is to create your Bloomberg account.
This tutorial will demonstrate the steps required to create a Bloomberg account, and to use that account to login to the Bloomberg terminals.
Click ‘LAUNCH’ to load the tutorial in a new window.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I login with my UCD Connect account?
A: No, the Bloomberg account is NOT related to your UCD Connect account.
Q: What is the password to log onto the Bloomberg Terminal?
A: To log on to the Bloomberg terminal type the password “blpuk”. (Ensure the matching username is “blpuk”). Login user and password are the same for the terminals in both Quinn and Smurfit.
Q: I have forgotten my Bloomberg password?
A: Click on the “Forgot Login Name or Password?” link on the Bloomberg login screen.
Q: The terminal is locked, what do I do?
A: If a user enters incorrect login details repeatedly, the terminal will lock. Contact Quinn – or Smurfit –