The UCD College of Business uses the Ubicast Media Server to host video content securely.
The Media Server allows us to:
- Locally host video content
- Publish content to Brightspace securely, only those enrolled in your module have access
- Stream video content on demand, compatible with multiple browsers and mobile devices
- Analyse viewing statistics
Screencast recordings can be made interactive through the use of navigation chapters and slide markers (allowing students to go directly to areas of interest) and also through the use of collaborative annotations (allowing students to ask questions and post comments).
The lecturer can also add activities such as polls and MCQ’s to dynamically engage the student audience.
Check out the information below to learn how to use the Media Server to host your videos.
Your Media Server Account
Business eLearning can set up your own personal account on the Media Server.
If you have existing video content such as PowerPoint recordings or Quicktime screencasts, use your account to upload, host and deploy your video content securely in Brightspace.
Contact to find out more
Logging into the Media Server
Once your account has been created by Business eLearning, you can log into the Media Server. When you first log in you will need to change your default password and validate your new one. See the video below, or check out the guide to find out how.
Uploading your videos
You can store lots of different type of video content on the media server. Screencasts, voice over slides etc can all be stored and linked within Brightspace or shared directly with students. Check out the video below or review the reference guide to find out how to upload your existing video content to your account.
Sharing your videos on Brightspace
Hosting video on the media server means you can create a link and make it available only to students enrolled in the module. The link cannot be copied and shared outside of the at module. Check out the video below or review the reference guide to find out more.