Recommended Security Settings for Zoom Meetings
If you choose to use Zoom to hold online classes, tutorials or online office hours we recommend that you use the below settings or refer to our guide when creating your meetings in order to harden the security of the session.
Recommended Meeting Options
Recommended Meeting Options
Step 1: Create your meeting by logging in the Zoom web interface. Go to UCD Connect and click the Zoom icon.
Step 2: Click ‘Sign In – Configure your account’
Step 3: If you haven’t already agreed to the T&Cs, do so now by selecting ‘Accept’.
Step 4: Enter your UCD Connect details when prompted. Go to ‘Schedule a Meeting’ to create a new online class.
Step 5: In the meeting settings, enable the passcode and enable the waiting room.
Step 6: In the meeting options, select ‘Require Authentication to join’. You should select ‘Sign in to Zoom’ from this dropdown*
*do not select UCD domains from this dropdown, this relates only to staff accounts
You should advise students to join the session via an account that they have created with their ucdconnect email. By selecting this option you are ensuring that students will connect to your sessions using a Zoom account registered to their @ucdconnect email address. This is an important step to allow you to confirm that only students from your module are attending the session. If you use this option we recommend that you email the class beforehand to inform them that they need to access the session with an account associated with their UCD connect email. An example of email communications to students is included below.
Example – Communication to Students
In order to increase the security of the online class, you will be required to access the Zoom session with an account associated with your UCD Connect email. If you have not already done so, please set up a Zoom account registered to your UCD connect email and use this account to gain entry to the session.
Click ‘Save’ once done.
Step 7: There are additional security options that you can enable within the session also. Go to the ‘Security’ options when you have started the session. Uncheck the option for participants to rename themselves. This prevents anyone using false names in the session. When all participants have entered the session, you can ‘Lock’ the meeting. This will prevent anyone gaining access to the session after it begins.
Step 8: If participants are allowed to use the chat function, it is recommended that you only enable public chat share. To do this in session, click the ‘Chat’ icon in the session window. The chat function will open on the right of the screen. Click the three dot icon to expand the function menu and select ‘Everyone publicly’ from the chat options.
Applying Default Settings for Zoom Meetings
Applying Default Settings for Zoom Meetings
If you want to keep the settings detailed above for all of your Zoom meetings, you can set your preferences as default in the Zoom web interface.
Step 1: In order to do this, go to your Zoom account and select ‘Settings’ from the left hand menu.
Step 2: In the ‘Security’ settings, turn on the ‘Waiting Room’ and ‘Passcode’.
Step 3: Also in the ‘Security’ settings, turn on ‘Only authenticated users can join’ in the meeting.
Step 4: In the basic meeting settings, turn off ‘Private chat’.
Step 5: Also in the basic meeting settings, turn off ‘Allow participants to rename themselves’.
Once you have enabled these settings they will be default options for every new meeting that you create.