Learning Technology Orientation
Introduction The Lochlann Quinn School of Business has a Mandatory Laptop Policy. This means that you will need a laptop in order to complete various tasks assigned in your modules. The School also has an Advised Laptop Standard, that we encourage all students to meet if possible. As our visiting students are here for shorter durations, we appreciate that meeting all aspects of the Advised Laptop Standard may not be possible, however it is important to meet the requirements of each module that you are registered to. Specific technology requirements (e.g. specific software, online test conditions) will be detailed in your modules. It is your responsibility to meet the needs of each module. Details of the Advised Laptop Standard can be found here, with an explainer video here. Important Information:
- If you are bringing a laptop to the UCD Quinn School you must register to the system. Laptop Registration will allow you access to the faster cabled network and you will take any online tests on the UCD Wired Network. A guide to registering to the network and information on other networks in UCD can be found here.
- Any hardware or software faults should be fixed prior to travelling.
- You should have an updated Anti-Virus program and your laptop must be virus free
If your laptop’s anti-virus programme expires before your semester ends, you can install UCD’s campus anti-virus software (Sophos): Download Sophos Anti-virus
- The Lochlann Quinn School of Business works within a Microsoft Windows environment. It is recommended that you use Windows 8 or Windows 10 professional.
- Your laptop must have the latest updates installed.
- You must have a recent version of Microsoft Office installed. As a student of UCD, you have access to a free download of MicroSoft Office 365. More information about this can be found here.
- UCD are unable to provide students with licensed software so ensure you bring all required software CD’s and DVD’s with you.
- You should contact your laptop manufacturer for details of hardware support within Ireland as this facility is not provided by UCD.
Support Services If you require help with regard to your laptop and the UCD network please call to IT services, please consult our Support Services guide. The UCD Library also issue a laptop loan scheme (3 hours max). Below are a series of resources, which aim to give you an understanding of the main learning systems you will be using as well as showcasing innovative technologies that are available to you as a student of the College of Business.
UCD Connect
UCD Connect

Accessing Brightspace
Accessing Brightspace

Brightspace Basics
Brightspace Basics

Assignments in Brightspace
Assignments in Brightspace

Brightspace Online Tests
Brightspace Online Tests

Virtual Tour of the Innovation Corridor
Virtual Tour of the Innovation Corridor

Quinn Studio Spaces
Quinn Studio Spaces


Collaboration Tools
Collaboration Tools

Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft Office 365

Financial Times Online
Financial Times Online